Key Ideas & Images

Dual Quantum Computing and G7 Universal Generative Robust Constant | Theory of Everything as One and Three World Philosophy | Our Epochal Age | Four Master Literary Tropes | Triple Grace | Renaissance High/Low Dialogo and Democratic Good Society of the Obscure | Triune Master Key of Jesus Christ Our Sweet Lord | Liberal Exodus, World Liberation & Democratic Utopia | Dialectic, Dialogic and Trilogy XYZ Embodiment

I have truly an unprecedented interpretive and explanatory framework, quite a remarkable singularity, if I may boldly humbly say! For it is a thesis, a twofold theology, philosophy, faith and science of two underlying cosmic, divine, moral, rational and ontological foundations of the world “as it really is.” This is in contrast to all others through history (I am familiar with many) that are either of one foundation, realist or idealist, or none (i.e. our post-modern linguistic turn to unmoored anti-essentialist self-reliance upon separate language games with their own internal rules, life together as game theory and playing (this, as I and multitudes can show, is a horrible crypto-modernity and ideological evasion of the tragic, ironic and triumphal fact that we are theological, philosophical or ideological modern humans who are part of a greater whole, each of us finite humans has a taste of the infinite, some kind of liminal twoway threshold in living communion with the transcendent, immanent or kairos, and I believe all of them, and doubly as the miracle, mystery, beauty, truth of twofold gracelove and unified divinehumanity that is my thesis and runs through all I write.

My thesis, a Dialogical Lyric Key, is the same for all the “key ideas and images” below. For example, it provides a unified “theory of everything” by reconciling the two contemporary but opposing scientific worldviews (Einstein’s relativity and Bohr’s quantum physics) by holding each in creative tension as two equal models in dynamic relationship with one another (entangled though independent). This is not a synthesis but a dynamic dual ontology and powerful dual processing of the macrocosmic (i.e. relativity) and microcosmic (quantum) worlds and phenomena, both separately and as interwoven: it is thus more robust, authentic, complex, nuanced and cutting-edge as a “dual model” of scientific realism as the theories, methods, understanding, research and findings related to its world of study as “as it really is.” This is consistent, for example, with emerging fields of study in computational sciences, neuroscience, dialogic computing, digital educational technologies and others.

The essence of my two mountain metaphor for signifying “inspiring futures for all” is that this framework “works” as applied to other areas and spheres of life: political, cultural, social, economic, linguistic, intellectual, individual. It is a twofold guide, tool and capacity for literally being in and of two worlds, not worldviews, at the same time, and with two beautiful minds, not one (an evolutionary anthropological reality and ancient wisdom now being rediscovered and confirmed by those st the frontiers of neuroscience, and definitely not the popular science of left and half hemisphere brains).

Thus, in all these ways, our epochal moment is our “total modern world” is coming to its anthropocene end after a relatively brief history of 40 or so thousands years in terms of entire sweep of distinctive modern humanity as formed over c. 300 millenia. It is in metamorphosis, the life and death throes of agony and ecstasy as such things always go, and becoming two worlds come alive. Once a great “I Am” world tragically, inherently, divided against itself, and ironically its triumphal messianic or dialectic faiths and sciences depended on this tragic sense of division and limitation as a world coming apart: “we are” now two worlds divided for itself.

We are now two ways, lives, mysteries and truths in and of the sheer goodness, vitality and creativity of our eternal God (for those of theology, spiritual, faith) and illimitable Humanity (for those of philosophy, material, science); this original “we are” of epic living grandeur is correspondingly two equal participatory partners like distinctive orchestral movements composing all resonating music and energizing life in the cosmos, our creation, our life together, our common home. We are also two divinehumane movements inspired doubly of gracelove and enrich, challenge, conflict, fulfill and surpass one another in this unfinished thundering lyrical symphony, two everlasting gospels, liberal and utopian, of twofold expansive and inclusive flourishing.

It is quite grand, I know, but after all why else write or read, but to share, learn and compose together, whole worlds come alive!! Our brief life is most extraordinary, our hearts, minds, souls on fire when we celebrate, evoke and regain the epic grandeur of history, humanity and democracy: we are in and of all living generations—past, present and future—of modern humane beings and all other creatures, great and small.

We are each and everyone of us ushering in “new heavens and a good earth .” We are a renaissance people who make all works and worlds, goods and services, ourselves and each other, sacred and profane, as meaningful, beautiful and loving as possible.

Below are the central key ideas and images that extend this same dialogic key or doubling gracelove pattern to other areas: my intent always to engage, enrich and enlarge our personal whole ways of life, social relationships of every kind, membership in communities (ecclesial, secular, spiritual, natural) as individuals, partners, families, cultural identities, democratic peoples, and world citizens. Mine is a theology of astonishing differences, divides and oppositions, every one an encounter with a twoway liminal threshold where each side privileges and shares together the presence of our eternal God, illimitable Humanity, overflowing grace and love.

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